THRIVE 2030 – The Long-term National Strategy for the Visitor Economy

The Hon Dan Tehan MP, Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment has launched THRIVE 2030, the long-term national strategy for the visitor economy.  

THRIVE 2030 is expected to grow the value of the visitor economy to $230 billion by 2030. 

There are more than 300,000 businesses in the visitor economy and it employs, directly and indirectly, more than one million Australians.

Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Dan Tehan said the strategy was driven by three core themes: collaboration, modernisation and diversification.

Industry-led and government-enabled, THRIVE 2030 aims to help the sector recover fully and grow sustainably long into the future. 

Austrade thanks everyone who has provided input into the consultation process, and looks forward to working closely with industry and governments to implement THRIVE 2030.

To deliver THRIVE 2030, the Australian Government has announced an initial investment of:

  • $75.5 million in targeted support for travel agents and tour arrangement service providers to continue to operate and rebook travel credits. This is the final round of the Consumer Travel Support Program.
  • $60 million over three years to attract more visitors to Australia from new and diverse international markets. This includes additional support for the Business Events bid fund attracting major events to Australia.
  • $2 million over 2 years for the development of an industry led visitor economy online employment and skills platform.
  • $4.8 million for Tourism Research Australia to capture and analyse new tourism and visitor data sources, to support businesses, organisations and governments make more timely and informed business decisions.