Following the success of the inaugural Top Tourism Town Awards in 2021, NSW Tourism Industry Council is now calling for nominations for New South Wales’ Top Tourism Towns across three categories with a new Tiny Tourism Town category added for 2022.
The Top Tourism Town Awards showcase the value of tourism and the visitor economy to the cities, towns and villages across NSW and celebrates their commitment to encouraging tourism and increasing visitation to their destinations, providing economic and social benefits to their communities.
“The Top Tourism Town Awards will shine a light on the towns, people, attractions and experiences that make NSW a ‘must visit’ destination,” said NSW Minister for Tourism, Stuart Ayres.
There are three categories within the NSW Top Tourism Town program:
- Top Tourism Town – suited to established tourism towns where a range of attractions, accommodation and visitor experiences already exist, particularly those with a population over 5,000 people.
- Small Tourism Town – suited to towns which are in the process of establishing a tourism strategy and developing visitor experiences, particularly those with a population below 5,000 people.
- Tiny Tourism Town – for emerging towns in the process of establishing a visitor strategy and developing their tourist offerings, with a population less than 1,500 people. (*New category in 2022)
Nominations close on the 9 March with final submissions due by 6 April 2022.
Winners in each category will be announced in partnership with Local Government NSW at the LGNSW Destination & Visitor Economy Conference to be held 17-19 May 2022 in Orange.
For further information and key dates visit the awards website.