NATOC webinar | Best Practice in Community Engagement

You’re invite to join a 90 minute virtual workshop, presented by NATOC.

The session will be a look into some key concepts in gaining the best awareness around respectful approaches, opportunities and familiarisation within the Aboriginal business and tourism space.

NATOC’s combination of skilled industry expertise along with lived continued tourism product experience brings together the best of both worlds to move forward.

Key topics to be covered include:

  • Gain a better understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives
  • Build a knowledge base on more proactive ways of engaging with communities
  • Assist in building a baseline understanding of Indigenous knowledge systems
  • How the diversity of language, culture and tradition is a tangible breathing concept
  • Develop positive and proactive relationships in a range of aspects in the community sector
WHEN: 11am, Tuesday 12th October 2021
WHERE: Online, registrations essential
Register now
The NSW Aboriginal Tourism Operators Council (NATOC) was formed in 2014 and officially an incorporated association in 2017. The main vision of NATOC is to give voice to Aboriginal owned tourism expertise to better inform industry and provide mentoring to Aboriginal tourism entrepreneurs to fulfil their business journeys.
NATOC nurturing & growing authentic Aboriginal Tourism products in NSW.