Business Events Industry Support
Business Events Overview
Destination Sydney Surrounds South (DSSS) recognises the significant opportunity that is presented by business events and conferencing. The NSW Regional Conferencing Strategy, developed by Destination NSW’s Regional Conferencing team, outlines that across regional NSW, the sector generates $290 million in delegate expenditure plus an additional $11.6 million from pre and post event activities, employing more than 2,300 people.
With a range of well-established venues, operators and event suppliers, our region is well placed to leverage the opportunities available through business events.
Useful links for industry
DSSS Business Events Checklist
A useful resource for operators, including both venues and suppliers, in the DSSS region to determine their ‘business events readiness’, to increase their understanding of the sector and tips to assist them in securing business events for the region.
Business Events NSW
Destination NSW’s Business Events NSW website provides handy information on business events, data, insights, and resources such as:
BENSW operator portal
The operator portal of the BENSW site allows regional stakeholders to create a free business listing and to access the more than 17,000 potential leads it generates for business event venues and suppliers each year.
Business Events Industry Support Program 2022
DSSS engaged the services of sector experts Mayvin Global to deliver an industry support program, designed to support skills development and the sharing of resources with operators that could leverage the benefits of business events, either directly or indirectly.
The program included development of the DSSS Business Events Checklist, a tailored mentor program and series of in-region workshops. Watch in the video right ⇒
Read more in the project briefing here
Feedback from 2022 program participants
Business event destinations in our region
Conferencing in Wollongong
Just 80km south of Sydney on the spectacular Grand Pacific Drive. Wollongong offers a choice of premier venues, and events delegates can discover world-class beaches, playful adventures, eats, arts and iconic attractions.
Conferencing in the Shoalhaven
The Shoalhaven is just 2 hours from Sydney and Canberra and is filled with award winning wineries, unspoilt beaches and acclaimed restaurants. Offering a wide range of business event venues tailored to suit, whether it’s for 20 or 500 people.
Conferencing in the Southern Highlands
Steeped in history and character, the Southern Highlands offers a diverse range of venues that have been re-invigorated to create unique experiences for business events. Located just an hour and a half from Sydney, Canberra and Wollongong.
Header image: Group attending conferencing event at Bangalay Dining, Shoalhaven Heads. Credit: Bangalay Dining and Business Events South Coast