Mark Bourne

Role: Director

Mark Bourne has over 25 years’ experience in the wine industry with several wine and agri-tourism businesses based in the Southern Highlands. Mark was the founding president of the Southern Highlands vignerons association and has led the region twice more over a 20 year period in the food and wine sectors.  As a respected strategic thinker and advocate he is highly skilled in business management, event planning and delivery, industry research innovation and technology, coupled with strong communication and media skills. He is a member of the steering committee for the NSW government AgSkilled program and is a member of both the NSW and Australian wine industry biosecurity committees.

Mr Bourne is the current chair of the board and president of the NSW Wine Industry Association and a board member of the national wine industry peak organisation, Australian Grape and Wine. Mark is also a director at Charles Sturt University responsible for industry and research partnerships in horticulture and agriculture, with a particular focus on digital, data and sustainability outcomes. His strong passion for agriculture, tourism and regional visitor economy growth alongside his experience in advocacy is a valuable asset to the DSSS board.