Jen Downes
TAFE NSW Industry Innovation Specialist, Hospitality, Cookery & Finance
With VET qualifications in Business Administration, Accounting, Training and Assessment as well as a Graduate Certificate in Management, Jen started teaching with TAFE NSW 15 years ago. Working across various projects she is currently working as the Industry Innovation Specialist for TAFE NSW, to connect TAFE NSW with Industry partners, Peak Bodies, Government Agencies, and Associations to make informed recommendations on a future-focused direction for Industry and TAFE NSW.
Jen has thirty years of experience working across both hospitality and business. A chance opportunity to work on cruise ships as a 21 year old, spurred the passion for seeking creative ways to excel in customer experiences. Working across both industries allowed her to chase her favourite hobby – travel…. You need exceptional communication skills, motivation and diverse skills to work around the world.
Jen maintains that the skills learnt over the years such as business acumen, leadership, team culture, adaptability, policy and process combined with a sense of fun and adventure have helped her progress through to the leadership role she now holds.